mercredi 3 janvier 2018

121- If you ate today...


On Christmas day, just after Christmas Eve, a French breeder posted a tweet on Twitter saying:

“The head in a daze but always present, farmers work daily to offer the best quality of life to their animals and a French food quality recognized worldwide! On this Christmas day, think to all those who feed you!”

Curiously in response to this tweet, proud and kind, but all in all harmless, we find:

"How long farmers feed the world, me I eat with the money that I won by the sweat of my brow, it would be time to stop considering you as top dogs"

To what she answered:

“Far be it from me to make farmers look like top dogs, just to remember that every day, what you eat comes from a farmer. Merry Christmas to you and your family”

This small exchange, polite and educated on one side, lout and stinky on the other side shows, if it were needed, that in our rich Western societies, the gap is growing between civil society and farmers. To the point that some people come to ignore that what they eat does not grow on the shelves of supermarkets.
There is no food that does not come from farmers' fields, barns and pastures of preeders, and from fishermen' boats or fish ponds.
We eat only living products that must be born or sprout and grow before being harvested or killed.

Thus, all foods, fresh or processed, raw or cooked, come from this daily work.
Meat, bread, ready meals, spices, dairy products, fish, shellfish, vegetables, fruits, cold meats, pastries, confectionery, popcorns, all come from there.
This is actually not quite true. Water is natural without human intervention, and salt is a mineral element extracted from seawater or salt mines.

But behind every food there is a farmer, a breeder or a fisherman, there is work, risks, fatigue.
This daily work is the sole guarantor of the diet of the entire population. Yet it is very poorly known, or even totally ignored, it is daily denigrated in developed countries.
And this denigration comes from ignorance, disregard, total disconnection of civil society from its agriculture.

During these Christmas or New Year celebrations, many of us were reunited with family or friends, around exceptional meals.
Remember that behind every meat, behind every fish, behind every garnish, behind every bottle, behind every pastry, there is the work of farmers, ranchers or fishermen.

Also remember that while you were waking up from a memorable night, farmers were already at work for your meals of next few days.

I wish you a happy new year 2018, in the respect of all those who work for our well-being.

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