Integrated Production is a term
that appeared in the 70s, after the IOBC (International Organization for
Biological Control) has set the principles.
It is a scientific and technical
movement, which takes its source in the 60s, which is a proposal for
rationalization of agricultural production (as practiced 50 years ago). It can
currently be situated between the Conventional Production and Biological
Production. The cause of this "invention" is relatively simple.
To understand it, we must situate
us in the context of agriculture and agrochemical of these years. We were then
in the position of an agrochemical booming, triumphant, an agriculture where
productivity was the top priority, where agricultural research was beginning to
emerge from research centers to be communicated to farmers, and where progress
productive were dazzling.
It should be added that the
opposition to this strongly productivist movement and almost completely devoid
of environmental concerns was reinforced at the same pace. But despite this,
the Organic Production was still in an initial stage, with huge unresolved
technical problems because of a lack of solutions and knowledge.
On the other hand, the
environmental consequences of agricultural practices of the time were bad
known, and not distributed, nor to the public, nor to farmers.
However, studies conducted by
researchers from around the world began to show that a good knowledge of the
crop and its agronomic, physiological and disease problems, associated with
simple observation and measurement methods, make possible to obtain excellent
technical results, both in Organic Farming than in Conventional Farming.
The most direct consequences were
firstly a much lower use of pesticides and fertilizers, as applications were
better targeted, and secondly, a very positive impact on the environment.
In the beginning, was taken into
account mainly the aspect of plant protection. It was called IPM (Integrated
Pest Management), a term still used in English. But soon it became clear it was
better to use the word "protection". We started talking about
Integrated Pest Protection.
Finally, the observation of
interactions between plants and their environment showed that be limited to the
only aspect of plant protection was far too simplistic. This allowed the
evolution of the concept to that of Integrated Production.
What is it? The rationalization of
crop management, always preferring natural resources and prevention techniques,
to use chemical intervention as a last resort when other techniques have
failed. Everything is taken into account to integrate the management of
economic, ecological and ecotoxicological aspects, in addition to agricultural
In this context, the objective of
the farmer is to ensure that the equilibrium of plant, the optimal functioning
of the soil, and the respect for the ecosystem that represents the farm and its
environment, allows limit or avoid the need for intervene by unnatural means.
Many unbalanced situations lead to
sprays that could be avoided by a good overall management. Here are three
cases, very different from each other, to illustrate this key point, but there
are an infinite number of situations like this.
For example, a well leveled farm or
whose outflows have been well studied, will avoid areas where the drainage of
rain or irrigation is difficult. These areas can cause waterlogging and
weakening of the crop and/or entry of fungi or soil bacteria that can attack
the crop, forcing the farmer to carry out chemical treatment, or to
overfertilize the crop to correct its weakness. This work, preliminary to
sowing or planting, avoids the risk of future pollution and an unnecessary
Another example, some soils are
inhabited by microscopic worms called nematodes, which can severely attack the
crop. In areas where nematodes are naturally present, it’s necessary to avoid
sensitive crops, or graft the plant on resistant rootstocks. In this way, the
production is not affected, and it is not necessary to carry out highly
polluting and expensive treatments.
Finally one last example: an excess
of nitrogen, an element essential to the plant for its photosynthesis, can lead
to excessive vigor attacks which can promote many types of parasites (fungi,
mites, aphids, leafhoppers, etc.). A good control of the nitrogen supply avoids
these attacks and the sprays they would cause, or at least to limit them
sharply. When I started as a young advisor in the 80s, it was normal that the
orchards are sprayed against mites several times per year. Currently, thanks to
better overall nutrition, and especially to a good orchards management, it is
rare to have to do more than one intervention, and it is common not to do at
These three examples illustrate the
basis of the method, which can be summed up in five words: knowledge, analysis,
reasoning, prophylaxis, prevention.
Then we must add that the
transition from Conventional Farming to Integrated Farming is basically a
problem of will and training. It's easy. Insofar, as I explain below, the
chemistry is avoided whenever possible, but this is not a rejection criterion,
the transition is not a big sacrifice for the farmer, as this will be the case
for Organic or Biodynamic Farming (see my articles on these two modes of
production). He will have to implement some monitoring and control processes,
train himself if he is not, and train his staff, but the technical and human
investment is directly "paid" by the savings coming from the
reductions of water irrigation, fertilizers and pesticides. A farmer, even if
he is not interested in environmental issues, has an economical interest in
using the methods of Integrated Production. This simple observation gives a
huge power to the method, and explains its widespread use, first in the
industrialized countries, and gradually in developing countries.
The main obstacle to its full
generalization is the lack of training. In some cases, this lack is compensated
by the introduction of networks of consulting and technical development, but it
is still not the case everywhere.
There are a number of
certifications in Integrated Production, but currently there is no specific
market. For what reason? Well simply because the traders, particularly
supermarkets, are very reluctant to propose a third product line. I've already
talked about that. The communication on bio is kept to a minimum ("Organic
= no spray" and that's enough, even if that is perfectly false, and
sometimes very directly, "No organic = poison," which is outright
lying and scandalous). If there is no explicit communication means that it is
Conventional Farming. And you, poor ignorant and manipulated consumers, you do
not ask questions. You buy "unsprayed", or just buy food. Some of you
think that perhaps you are poisoning, by ignorance and mostly because of a
negative communication from the organic movements, extremely effective, even if
it's based on a totally false postulate.
Those who sell you the food are
considering you as idiots, unable of understanding, and/or unable to learn. But
what you nobody explains to you, is that a vast majority of food sold as
Conventional Farming, is grown using methods of Integrated Production, even if
they are not always certified.
Specifically, what does this mean
for your food?
It is produced according to rules
of agronomic management, environmental protection and respect for the consumer.
Does this remind you something? Oh
yes, this is what is said about organic products. No? But I'll add something,
you may believe it or not. The majority of chemicals used in Integrated Farming
are no more dangerous to health and the environment, than many organic
products. And one more thing, food from Integrated Farming is much more and
much better controlled than the same food from Organic Farming.
And I'll tell you a secret, since
we are talking about sensitive subjects. Late October, I had a very interesting
and informative meeting with a leading agricultural analyzes laboratory at
European level. We were talking about pesticide residues. Do you know that a
large amount of organic products have been chemically sprayed once or several
times during the production cycle? Laboratories know that, since they are who
make the analysis. But they don't speak, because confidentiality rules forbid
them to speak concretely, and the results are sent only to the owners of
samples. These sprays are always applied away from harvest, so as to leave no
residue on foods.
Why this situation? Because of the
tyranny of the market. For a farmer in Organic Production, if he has to solve a
problem that has no organic solution using a chemical, he immediately loses the
right to sell the food as organic. He has made all efforts to produce organic
food, and he will lose all economic benefits. This kind of situation is common,
and currently, the organic solutions do not cover all the needs.
This is why Integrated Production
receives a clear success with farmers, even if you do not know it, because
nobody speaks of that. The farmer in Integrated Farming does not need to lie or
to hide some not allowed truths, since the use of chemicals, even if it is
regulated, is authorized.
Integrated Farming is, at present, the only way to produce healthy food
on a large scale, while respecting consumer, environment and farm workers. The methods that refuse chemistry cannot produce
significant quantities and on large areas, without suffering intractable
problems involving the survival of farms, or without deception.
So that you understand everything
that the farmer makes every day in the fields to properly manage his crops,
I'll give you a list of actions that can be performed within the framework of this
productive method. It is obvious that all this must be added to the normal work
of fields, whether mechanized or manual plowing, pruning, harvesting, etc.
I will not try to make you believe
that it is done only in Integrated Farming. This is not the case, organic and
biodynamic farmers do that also. But if I talk about that in this chapter, is
to make you understand that agriculture is not the same than 30 years ago. What
I am describing here is the reality of the huge majority of food that you will find
both on markets than in stores. If it's not organic, it is very likely of
Integrated Production.
The principles:
Observation: no intervention takes place without prior observation of the situation.
This is true for pesticide sprays, of course, but also for nutrition,
irrigation, tillage or interventions on the crop itself (size, thinning,
This is both to analyze properly concrete situations, and the samples sent to
the laboratory. We will thus be able to analyze soil, irrigation water, leaves,
twigs, flowers, fruits, roots, diseased parts, pesticide residues, heavy
metals, sanitary risks. This means the precise measure of all possible elements
for their incorporation into the final decision.
Prophylaxis: This is one of the pillars of the method. All means to balance crop or
avoid the problems are prioritized. It may be the choice of rootstock, the
introduction of non-cultivated areas to enhance biodiversity on the farm
(fallow land, hedges, etc.), drainage, manual or mechanical cleaning of
infested areas, the selection of resistant varieties, forming orchards to
promote a good ventilation of the canopy (thus reducing excessively humid
conditions favorable for disease development), the establishment of vegetal
coverage to limit soil erosion and/or compaction, etc.
Prevention: once in place the necessary prophylactic measures, it is to manage the
crop, not to create favorable conditions for the development of parasites. This
is for example the nutritional balance (neither too much nor too little, and
always at the right time), ventilation of the canopy by pruning, the choice of
products or techniques used to not affect the useful fauna, etc.
Non-chemical methods: it is, for example, encourage the installation of natural predators on
the farm, through the installation of nest boxes or perches, as well as the
implementation of biodiversity areas, or the non-chemical methods of control
such as insects mass trapping or sexual confusion, and installing anti-insect
nets. It may also involve the use of auxiliary insect releases.
The use of thresholds for pesticide sprays, with
dynamic tracking of diseases and both populations of pests and their predators.
The thresholds take into account the two antagonistic populations in order to
delay or cancel the spray if the dynamics of the predator ensures natural
control without damage.
The use of organic pesticides when their efficiency and ecological profile
characteristics are equivalent to or better than available chemical pesticides
(this is not always the case). This may be sprays with bacteria, viruses or
fungi, without any negative impact on the environment or useful organisms. It
can also be natural extracts of various plants, whose pesticide efficacy is
proven. But these products are not always safe for the user, the environment or
consumers, so they must be handled with the same precautions as chemical pesticides.
The choice of chemical pesticides is done according to specific criteria of efficiency,
persistence (duration of action), of side effects on the environment (soil,
water, air, wildlife, beneficial insects), on natural predators and human
health, and on risk of residues on the final food.
Soil management: it is a fundamental basis. The plant lives and feeds on a floor that it
did not chose, but in which it is able to find everything it needs. The mineral
elements which are its food are dissolved in water and it absorbs them through
the roots. If the farmer fails to properly manage the soil, it will deplete and
erode, in short degrade. A good soil management will first maintain its
fertility, its aeration, its moisture level and all the criteria that will
enable microbial life to maintain its full activity in the soil. It goes
through a reincorporation of all previous crops remains (straw, prunings,
etc.), to make, if necessary, soil aeration work (unpacking, scarification),
and to provide both proper irrigation and drainage. An enrichment of the soil
with organic matter (compost or manure) and basic elements (calcium, sulfur,
magnesium, for example) is possible to recover a degraded soil or to enrich a
poor one. The fertilizer inputs are used only to offset the elements that have
been extracted from the soil by the food product (grains, fruits, vegetables,
etc.). They must be made at specific times and in specific amounts, calculated
as appropriate. This is probably the most complex issue. I will devote one or
more specific posts about that. But we must never forget that a poorly managed
soil, will grow fragile crops, poorly fed, susceptible to disease and pests.
Methods and means:
Training: it
is the basis. All operators and stakeholders must be properly trained in their
specialty. Without training, it is not possible to do Integrated Farming. It is
indispensable to know the crop, its characteristics and needs, its agronomic
conditions and climatic risks, and its pests and diseases in great detail. In
cases where the knowledge of the crop is insufficient, the farmer will be
advised by one or more specialists.
The monitoring methodology: every culture has its own problems and its own
requirements. Every culture has specific protocols. Surveillance is variable
depending on the cycle moment of culture and risk. A good knowledge of the
culture and its phytosanitary problems is the way to adapt the monitoring
Technical management: it begins by establishing the appropriate strategies in each situation.
It requires well prepared in charge persons, or specialized external
stakeholders. It must be established, in advance, a list of risk situations,
and possible interventions to face the problems. This is the mean to react
quicker. Intervene at the right time and in an appropriate manner is an important
success factor.
Material equipment: all machines and tools that will be needed in every situation. It is
spraying machines adapted to the crop, anti-drift nozzles to ensure that sprays
cannot accidentally contaminate neighboring crops, tillage tools adapted to the
soil and to the situation of each farm.
Specific monitoring equipment: Specific monitoring equipment: it is equipment of phytosanitary monitoring
(magnifying glass, microscope, monitoring traps), of weather measurement, of
soil moisture probes, of sensors of photosynthetic activity, of micrometric
measurement of the plant growth, of sap flow sensors, or leaf water potential.
It can also be overflight of crops by plane or by drones, equipped with thermal
cameras and infra-red (to determine the inhomogeneous areas where the plants
are not healthy).
Soil analysis: it is used to know the structure, texture, chemical composition, the
risk of erosion or compaction, fertility, nutritional deficiencies, blockages
or excess risks, thus adapting cultural methods (tillage), the type of
fertilization, adaptation of the irrigation system, the choice of rootstock by
crop, etc.
Water analysis: it is mainly used to know its chemical composition in order to use all
the elements available in the nutrition plan. All waters are not the same (as
you can see by comparing the mineral waters). For example, the presence of
nitrates in the irrigation water will reduce nitrogen inputs to the crop in the
same proportions. An excess of iron or limestone in the irrigation water will
lead to obstruction of drip systems, so it will be taken in account in the
project and in the maintenance of the irrigation system.
Analysis of plant organs: it is the way to know the chemical composition of the plant, so to know
its nutritional status. For each crop, there are plant analysis protocols that
determine the time of sampling, the type of organ to be picked, the analytical
methodology to be used, and the standards for interpreting the results. The
leaves can thus be analyzed, also twigs, fruits, roots, flowers, and virtually
all plant organs.
Phytosanitary analyzis: it may be used in case of unknown or questionable symptom. This is
sometimes the only way to solve a pest problem or to select the appropriate
treatment. Only knowledge of the disease or parasite, as in humans, allows choosing
the effective treatment.
Analysis of residues: this is the only way to know at the time of harvest, if the foods that
will be traded, are in accordance with the legislation in force (if this is not
the case, we must delay the harvest, and if this is not possible, we must
destroy the crop), or if they are in accordance to retailers standards that
require lower levels. Analyses are also made in destination.
All these techniques and methods,
implemented in combination, are primarily tools for decision making. Thus, the
farmer disposes the objectives means to respond in an appropriate manner to
each situation.
The overall goal is: I intervene whenever necessary, in the most
appropriate manner, so as to be optimally effective, avoiding causing
collateral imbalances, which could lead to the need to intervene on a problem
that I should have caused myself.
In other words, I try to analyze
all the interactions involved, before taking the decision of the relevance and
type of intervention.
Integrated Farming has taken the best part of all production systems, by
getting rid of ideological sides. This is a very pragmatic system, and above
all very technical. The ideology has given way to technique.
Some countries, such as Spain, have
registered the Integrated Farming as a goal of the current National Action Plan
for agriculture. The aim is to replace totally the Conventional Farming by the
Integrated Farming wherever this is not yet the case.
In my opinion, this is clearly the
future of global agriculture, much more than the Organic Farming. The tendency,
however, is to introduce always more organic products and techniques in
Integrated Farming. Will we one day use only organic products in agriculture?
Honestly I don't think so. Chemistry offers different possibilities, that
Nature does not know. The problem is to forget dogmatism, while requiring
chemical companies and users, regulations that avoid environmental abuses.
The future challenges are to
respect the planet to avoid destroying it, but also to feed the global
population that continues to increase. For the next 50 years, if one knows
properly distribute the available food to people who need it, the world
produces enough to feed everyone. By the other hand, longer term, when combined
reduction of arable land (progression of cities, desertification areas) with
the increase of the population, it is imperative to learn to produce more.
Produce more does not necessarily
mean pollute. This is where the Integrated Production interferes.
Because if it is done well, it is
much more productive than the Organic Farming and does not deteriorate the
environment more, and indeed, in many cases, it deteriorates it less.
It is possible that in 50 years,
things have changed, but it is true in the present state of knowledge.
So be confident, if you are concerned about the quality of your food,
nothing currently requires you to buy organic, whatever some people tell you.
You can buy normal products without risks. They have never been so controlled,
and are not dangerous to health. And at the same time, they were grown with a
minimal impact on the environment.
The Integrated Farming, but if I tell you that this is the future !!!
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